Greetings everyone
We are yet to purchase our first flow hive. Been interested in urban bee keeping for a number of years and listened to a really interesting talk by Sophie Thompson at our Council’s Spring Garden Competition awards night last year. Really excited to learn more about bees and keeping them in an urban environment. Bit nervous though…
Nothing to worry about. You will only notice the first couple of hundred stings Its a big adventure really though, just go easy on your girls and you will be OK.
I dunno, the 201st sting was the humdinger for me!!! Only kidding.
There are lots of things to be nervous about:
Can I do this?
How hard is it?
Will my neighbours complain?
Can I afford it?
Will I like it?
Will the hive die? What do I do if it dies?
What do I do with all of that honey?
Etc, etc, etc…
So to answer most of that, just ask here, and we will all try to help. It isn’t easy, but it really isn’t that hard either. If you have an hour a week to spare, you have plenty of time to look after a hive. Join a local club, don’t say “Flow hive” just say “Langstroth hive” and everything will be OK with them. Buy or read (in the library) as many books as you can about bees. The biology will be consistent, but the management will be very different - don’t worry, mostly the bees don’t care.
Oh, and welcome!!
Thanks. Looking forward to it. Just working out the best spot for ‘the girls’.
Thanks Dawn. Yes all those questions and more. A forum like this is invaluable! Next thing is to track down a local bee group - there must be one around here somewhere.
Thanks for the welcome.
If you are passionate about honeybees and you have a partner, husband, boyfriend who is also very keen then I say go for it. Much more fun when you can share the love for your bees.
join the beekeepers society of south australia- we have plenty of experts and meet once a month- there are talks bee beekeepers, gardeners and more- before every meeting there is a chance for beginners to ask questions of experienced beekeepers. all the connections you will need to get a good start:
Hi there, I’ve just moved to Adelaide with my wife (who is from Adelaide) and 2 kids. I’ve also just ordered my first hives (from Flow of course). I’m looking forward to getting into bee keeping, which I see as a new hobby I can share with the kids, a way to meet people, good for the environment. I first started exploring urban beekeeping after attending a talk at my previous workplace in Sydney. The office had several bee hives on the roof, which were looked after by a local beekeeper/environmental activist. He was a very encouraging the idea of having bees in your back yard and so the seed was planted.
I plan to join the beekeepers society - thanks Semaphore - and the Urban Beekeepers Collective.
Do any of you know of beekeepers in the Adelaide hills who collect and sell wild swarms to new beekeepers?
Also, if any of you could do with an extra pair of hands, I’d love the chance to visit some experienced beekeepers and learn a few tips before I take on my first bees…any takers?