Indiana Bee keepers wanted

I am from East Central Indiana looking for fellow Hoosier Bee keepers!!

We are in the indianapolis area and just got our hive started in June.

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Hi! I am so happy to find another Hoosier! So you got your flow give in June? Or you started a hive and are not airing for your flow? I am set to get mine in December.

I have not received my flow hive yet - I believe that I am set for a December delivery as well. Although there is at least one person in Indy that has receive their flow hive. She was one of the early bird purchasers. I only know because we both shop at Agrarian and she told them that she had gotten hers. I was going to wait, but then started my hive this year to get it established and working. I am excited to see how it all works. There are lots of bee keepers in Indiana and several group meetings as well as mentors available. We purchased our bees (5 frame Nuc colony) from Indy Bee supply through Agrarian.

Hi- I’m not quite a Hoosier, but only 2 hours away in central Ohio. I wondered if anyone in my area had any updates on receiving the hive, how much were customs fees, any unseen cost or issue that has popped up since starting your colony. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Hello-My hive arrived earlier this week. My husband and I put it together this morning. The flow hive frames should be arriving shortly. All of the hardware and wooden hive body parts were of good quality and the assembly went smoothly. The boxes are made in the US and as such have no additional custom charges as those in the UK have gotten. The frames are being shipped from Australia but I don’t expect any additional fees for those either. The US tax codes are different and I haven’t been charged fees on other things that I have gotten from Kickstarter projects. I do need to treat the frames with tung oil, but do not expect there to be any other expenses.

Wooden ware not the Frames :wink:

THANKS! I plan to order soon.
Happy Keeping,


Hi, I recently saw some frames that had been soaked in raw organic linseed oil. They look fantastic. That can only help in extending the life of the frames. Also, most importantly the bees aren’t put off by it.

Hi! I am a Hoosier and a new bee keeper. I live in Greensburg, but my husband works in Indy. I just
Got my flow hive body. My husband just built it today. A perfect Christmas gift! My flow frames should arrive sometime in January. I was just looking at where to order my bees from. Online it looks like Indy bee supply is a good resource. I am super excited and happy to get to know some folks in Indiana to share info and learn from!!!

My shipping has been paid…I am just waiting for my hive! I too have been doing research as to where to get my bees. I am hoping to attend a full day educational conference in Celina Ohio on bee keeping. I am getting nervous/excited to begin!

I can’t wait for you to get your hive body! I know it is super exciting to finally have it. The cedar wood smells wonderful! And looks so pretty. And, besides looks, I assembling it was super easy. Last January I went to a 1 day training by Bedford bee keepers association. It was free (now that I think about it, maybe it want free, but cost was minimal) and very useful!! Highly recommend it. I will be curious about how the training in Ohio goes. Would you mind forwarding info so I might check that one out to?

Lady Bee: here is the info for the class: it’s feb 13, from 7 am to 4 pm in Celina, Ohio at the Richardson Bretz Memorial Bldg. The cost is $40 which includes a book “bee essentials” checks can be sent to for pre-registration: Mark Watercutter Attn: Beekeeping Class 1980 Fleetfoot Rd. St. Henry, OH 45883

Also a hive starter kit will be give away to one person.

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Thanks for the info. I will check out my husbands schedule and see if we are home then (we travel for his work). Thansk again!!!

I got my nuc from Indy Bee supply last summer and they have been really great to work with and the bees were very healthy and have been going strong.

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Central Indiana beekeeper association is hosting a bee school February 27th. I just signed up:)

Hello all!

I got my flow hive! I’m still waiting on the second shipment to come in. I began to dry fit the pieces together and noted that there was no plastic observation window included in the package. :scream: I’m so bummed!! I emailed them to let them know. I’m sure they will get it to me. I was wondering if any of you were missing pieces or parts? Thanks!

Sorry you didn’t get all the pieces:( hope they can send it to you pronto! I received wooden ware and got all the pieces. Still waiting on the flow frames to come.

We moved back to Indianapolis in July. Bees were kept on the farm we lived in before moving here. They were standard sort of hives. My Flow Hive should be here soon and I’ve got a lead on a “nuc” but unsure how it will work with Flow Hive. I’m pretty much a newbie. Still need to get the bee lingo.

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The Flow hive is based on a standard Langstroth hive - the most common type of hive in the US. Nuclei are most often made on Langstroth “deep” frames, which is exactly the same size as your Flow brood box. All you need to do is take some empty frames out of the Flow brood box, and then put your nucleus frames into the empty space (in the same order as they were in the nucleus), as close to the center of the brood box as possible. Very simple. Harder to describe than to do, and there are lots of Youtube videos on it, so you can see how to do it.

Welcome to the Flow family!
