Learn how to listen to your bees with Hilary Kearney, Girl Next Door Honey (video)

Thanks for the kind words. The Zen came quite unexpectedly as I watched the bees but it has been most welcome. It’s been wonderful sharing the experience with others both locally and worldwide. As my bee name might indicate, I spent many rewarding years teaching. I find great joy in teaching and learning, they go hand in hand. Docendo discimus, the Romans called it and I like the not so famous physicist Frank Oppenheimer’s translation.

“The best way to learn is to teach.”

Frank was kind of overshadowed by his brother Robert but Frank was an awesome physicist and teacher in his own right. They both made substantial contributions to the science underpinning the Manhattan Project. That science is spectacularly elegant even though the terrifying outcome of the Manhattan Project has paved the road to Armageddon for the past seventy something years.

I’ve been learning to make Youtube videos and most of them are about my beekeeping. I always introduce myself as “Bob the Sciencemaster” so my real name isn’t any kind of a secret. Daddysnow on this thread, Newbies needing advice, asked me to do another video.

Here’s a link to it. I like to imagine I’m getting better at making videos. For this one, I put the iPad on a stand and used the front camera. This allowed me to actually see what I was videoing in real time. I had to chop out some of my best Dad jokes during the editing but I’m reasonably happy with the end result.


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