NZ flow owners and beekeepers

Ok thanks, I will look into it.

Hi I am in Oamaru. Got a nuc dropped off today. The bee keeper very interested and helpful but is concerned we might not get warm enough to drain the frames. Have you had any difficulties?

I am not in NZ, but I can tell you that has been a worldwide concern of traditional beekeepers. However, I can also reassure you that the Flow frames work in climates which are likely significantly colder than yours, like Canada, northern states in the US, the UK and northern Europe.

About warmth and draining the frames. The frames stay on the hive during harvest. The bees heat the brood box, just below the frames, to between 32 and 35 degrees C. A lot of that heat rises up into the Flow super and warms the frames and honey. Chances are, your Flow super honey will flow much better than traditional honey undergoing traditional extraction in your climate. I think you will not need to worry about it. :wink:

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Thanks for that. Forgot about how hot it is in a hive.

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More importantly, so did your nucleus provider! :smile: