Why is honey sold by weight and not volume?

Just wondering why honey sold by weight and not volume?

Is this due to the water content or viscosity not being a constant thing?

[SERIOUS answers only please]

You get more value for your product as a beekeeper. e.g. a 350ml jar of honey is 500gm. or 1 pint of honey is 1.5 lbs

Honey is food, not drink! :smile: Joking, really, but anyone fancy a 250ml steak? :blush:

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All this would do is change the price you charge for it really. Using Roddericks weight to volume above. If you charge $18/lb(average price for local honey here) then you would charge $27 for 1.5#, and you would charge $27 for a pint. So it’d be $27/pint or $18/# Same difference except everyone is already used to buying it by the lb. I guess.

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Honey is sold here in the uk by weight as that is what the regulations dictate. Simple. It might be the same most places.

could it be about the quality? If there is more liquid water in it, I believe it would weigh less? Thicker it would weigh more?

Just be aware Honey weights heavier than water 12fl oz/341ml Honey is 454g/1lb

'cause the government says so…


not really helpful…

Seems to be as reasonable an answer as anyone has given. If the government tells you to do it, it doesn’t have to make sense or have a reason. You just have to do it that way.

I have updated the original question to include: [SERIOUS answers only please]

And I’m sure there is a real reason…

Your government is not the same as my government anyway and I challenge you to find the legislation that your government made… :point_up:

Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Ordinance 1970


In Australia there are laws that state how food items must be packaged including portion sizes. This standardisation is to help buyers compare one item with another and compare different brands. If one producer sold honey as 500mL and another as 500g then you are buying different quantities and it’s hard to compare prices. I can see no reason why it couldn’t be sold by volume as long as all producers did the same and buyers could compare like with like.

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I am after actual answers, not speculation.

Being rude and argumentative while others have a discussion about your question, which may very well lead down a path which gives you the satisfactory answer you are looking for, isn’t going to inspire very many people to help you.

My “actual answer” to you? I suggest you open a new browser window, direct it towards Google.com, and do your own research.


If you read the article that was linked it tells you on page 9
Honey, malt extract, golden syrup and treacle Units related to weight

The government requires it
@Michael_Bush - your answer may have appeared flippant, but totally correct

@MrBear - just reel it in and join in - you got your answer there was really no need to be rude

@Araluen Thank you Rob

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I did not intend my answer to be rude. It would make sense to me to measure it by volume since most everyone has the equipment available to do so, but instead it is required, at least in my state, to be measured by a certified and approved scale by weight. The only reason I measure it by weight is because it is required by law. If we were to measure it in the most informative, simple and useful way, in my opinion, it would be by volume with perhaps a %water or %sugar designation if more information was required. It makes sense to me to buy a pint or a quart of honey… it is easy for me to picture what that is. A pound of honey is less than a pint and harder to picture and harder to measure.


Hi Justin, it makes sense to sell honey by weight. Provided you have accurate scales, there can be no argument about the outcome.

You can sell honey by volume, but there are variables to consider. Mainly the size of the air gap in the container.

With trade approved electronic scales, you can tare the empty container off, punch in the price per kilo/pound, pour in the honey to the exact weight or desired total price. It is that simple.