Hello from Shailer Park, Queensland

Hi everyone,

Today I installed a Bee nuc into their new home, a Flow Hive that I purchased a few months back. The bees were super calm when I moved them from their temporary home to their new home.

I’ve had Native Bees for a few years and this is my first honey bee hive.

The Flow Hive videos on YouTube have been really helpful. Looking forward to the journey.


Welcome Scott! Would love to see pics of your setup if you’d like to post:

Good luck with your first season :cherry_blossom::honeybee:


I also welcome you Scott, greetings from Buderim.


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I’m 3 weeks in, now a bee nerd and take a short slow motion video of the entrance of my hive most days. I also have videoed my nuc instal and been videoing my inspections so I can see the growth on my frames. I then write down what I have found and take screen shots of each frame and anything I think interesting.i am either making my friends jealous or annoying them :rofl::rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: but I am having lots of fun.



Oops I keep forgetting that I am in Raglan, Western Victoria. :smiling_face: