Shipping Order or Order Confirmation?

Has anyone received any shipping info? I paid for the perk and the shipping through the campaign…Cant wait to get mine!

-Impatient in Indiana

Hi Barry, I think you will have received your approximate shipping date on the initial order confirmation, have a look for this in your email, it should tell you. While waiting, you can always start your bees and give them a head start.

I, also, have not received any info on shipping my Flow Hive super. After sending in the money for shipping, I sent an email requesting confirmation. Nothing back so far. I sent in money for the Hive quite early in the campaign and so am hoping to receive it well before the honey flow next spring.

I was notified yesterday that my nuc was ready and picked up a really strong one (four deep frames full of brood). If I get the Flow super in time, I should have some great local honey by this time next year. Already can picture it on my toast!

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I can get any info you guys want… well, not ‘any’ but info on your orders I can get.
We are sorry if somehow your email has slipped through the digital cracks.
Throughout the Indiegogo campaign we had 4 main shipping dates product was sold under -
June (almost there!!!)
Feb 2016.

We picked these dates so we were able to negotiate this logistics of supply (production volumes, distribution, packaging etc etc). We understand the the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have different honey seasons and what works for one hemisphere means up to 4-6 month wait for the honey Flow to start. We are trying to work with everyone.

Please PM me your email you used with your order and I can PM you your order details.

ALSO - If we can ship early we will.


Like the previous gentlemen, I have not received any confirmations beside the original Indiegogo contribution email and I would like confirmation of my shipping payment and order as well. I’m assuming I don’t see a PM option because this is my first post, but I don’t much mind leaving my email here anyhow. It’s my username on this forum at Thank you.

Guys, please click on Jed’s icon which will pull up a window with his details, the Message button is on the top right hand corner.


As I said, I don’t see a message option anywhere. I’d upload a snapshot of that exact window with everything but the message button in the top right, except apparently I’m not even permitted to attach images…

Hi, the sysadmin has changed some of your settings, hopefully you will now have more permissions. We apologise for the inconvenience, the forum software is self adapting and your permissions change the more you use the site.

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I can message him

Another option to confirm your shipping has been paid is to contact us via email.

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I think with glasses like that you should leave “any” in there. :slight_smile:


Freddie Mercury’s younger brother… :relaxed:


Sent you a PM Chaemelion.

Ah, there we go. Much appreciated fellas, thanks!

Easiest way to get order or shipping confirmation is to:

  1. email
  2. include your order number or the email address you used to originally order

We will email you back with your order and shipping details.
If you haven’t paid for shipping yet, our web shop will be open again on Friday 15th May 10:00am AEST


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I usually feel as if I can follow directions… but when I look at the shipping info page it only tells me what amount to pay, not how! I also checked your online shop just now, and it seems to only have options to buy products not shipping.
I was in the first round of pledges with delivery next month.


I heard right away after I pledged and paid. December 2015 for my two Full Flows and June 2015 for the bee suit.

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I’ not sure if you got the email @Kaptan_Kerri, shipping payments aren’t available yet on the website. Sorry for the confusion, we have been working on getting the site stable for initial purchases, and adding in the upgrades, shipping options later. For our original Indiegogo supporters, we have been working hard to enable you to view and manage your orders and delivery details through our website.
If you go to and enter the email used for your Indiegogo purchase, you will receive secure access to your personal account area.
In the coming days, you will be able to use this area to pay shipping and upgrade orders. We will let you know as soon as these features are available.
Hope this makes sense :smile:

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Who is qualified for “early bird” shipping?

just got the email about the June early Bird shippment going out soon :slight_smile: this is fantastic. So looking forward to hearing all about everyone getting theres.

Please everyone keep posting. Love this Forum